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Review frequently asked questions related to bill payment and student finances below.

Paying Your Bill

Bills will post to OPUS around six weeks before the first day of class.

The payment deadline for each term is the last day of the add/drop/swap period. You can find more information regarding payments here:

They can view on your OPUS account after log-on with your NETID and password or you can set up a Guest account and give them access to your bill.

Payment can be made online from your checking/savings account, via wire transfer or Western Union, or mailed to the office:

Emory University
Student Accounts and Billing Office
101 B Jones Center
Atlanta, GA 30322

(Please include your 7 digit student ID)

Contact Information

Contact the Student Accounts and Billing Office at for questions about:

  • Charges to your account
  • Payments and deadlines
  • Paperwork for an Emory-based loan
  • Payment plan options
  • Status of refunds

View more information on the Student Accounts and Billing Office website.

Contact the Office of Financial Aid at for questions about:

  • Application for financial aid
  • Submission of required application materials
  • Status of financial aid application
  • Locating your financial aid package
  • Financial aid disbursement dates

View more information on the Financial Aid websiteThe Student Accounts and Billing Office will not be able to answer questions related to Financial Aid.