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Getting Started

We are delighted to welcome incoming transfer students to the Emory community!

Below is a high level overview of what you can expect this summer and important dates for the fall.

The Emory Welcome App

The Emory Welcome App is your guide to Emory! Each incoming class has a customized version that includes everything students and families need to know throughout the summer, Orientation Week, and the first fall semester.  


The Transfer version of the Emory Welcome App will be available to download in May, 2025.

A screenshot of the Emory Transfer Orientation screen within the Emory Welcome App

Your Transfer To-Do List


The Transfer To-Do List is a comprehensive list of action items that you will need to complete before Orientation. Below are important items included on the Transfer To-Do List that take time and preparation. Start gathering documents and scheduling appointments now. 

Click here to download the Transfer To-Do List.

Important Dates for Transfer Students

  • June 2025: Transfer students meet with their OUE Academic Advisor via Zoom 
  • June 2, 2025: Shopping carts open for Transfer students
  • June 25 - July 2, 2025: Register for courses in OPUS
  • August 18 - 22, 2025: International Student Welcome (ISW), required for students with an F-1 visa
  • August 23 - 26, 2025: Orientation Week (required for all transfer students)
  • August 27, 2025: First day of classes
  • September TBD: Fall tuition due
  • October 13 - 14, 2025: Fall Break
    • No classes, res halls and dining remain open
  • November 26 - 28, 2025: Thanksgiving Break**
    • No classes, res halls and dining remain open
  • December 10 - 20, 2025: Final Exams**
  • January 13, 2026: First day of classes for Spring 2026
  • For more details, visit the College Academic Calendar

    **Fall schedules will be finalized by the end of Add/Drop/Swap. Please wait to schedule any travel until schedules are finalized.