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First-Year Orientation

Orientation at Emory begins the summer before you arrive on campus, continues through the mandatory Orientation Week, and concludes at the end of the fall semester. Below you will learn about different programs and offerings designed to facilitate a smooth transition to campus.

The information below pertains to students starting on the Atlanta Campus. For information about orientation and programs on the Oxford campus for incoming students or their family members, please visit the Oxford Onboarding website which goes live mid-May.

2025 Move-In & Orientation Week


Explore campus, connect with peers, and learn about all of the resources Emory has to offer through Move-in and Orientation Week programming. 

We encourage you to download the Emory Welcome App in March 2025 for all our important information. 

  • August 18, 2025: Move-in Day: for Pre-Orientation and International Student Welcome (ISW) participants only
  • August 18 - 22, 2025: Pre-Orientation & International Student Welcome (ISW)
  • August 23, 2025: Move-in Day: for all incoming First-Year students not participating in a Pre-Orientation program or ISW
  • August 23 - 26, 2025: Orientation Week (required)
  • August 27, 2025: First Day of Classes

After Orientation Week


Emory continues to support you through your first fall semester with the following courses & initiatives:

ECS 101
This required first-year class explores topics around b
ecoming a college student, community & well-being, academic experience, and professional pathways.

This required first-year class explores 
time management, stress, sleep, nutrition, physical activity, sexual health, mental health, and more.

Residential Life supports new students in the transition to college, providing students with opportunities to connect with the Emory campus, faculty, staff, and fellow students in their residence halls and beyond.

August 27 - October: Weeks of activities and events to welcome undergraduates to campus including student involvement fairs.