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Accommodated Testing Services

OUE Accommodated Testing Service ​(ACTS) offers in-person, proctored exams ​for students in ECAS courses with ​Department of Accessibility Services (DAS) ​accommodations. OUE ACTS is an optional service, as instructors may choose to manage accommodations internally.

OUE ACTS offers daily exam sessions based on room and proctor availability. Most sessions occur in the evening, with ​limited morning or afternoon sessions available (session times will vary by semester). 

Whenever possible, the goal is for ​students to take their exam on the same calendar day as the rest of their class. OUE ACTS assigns students to rooms on a first-come, first-served basis. If the requested exam session is full, we will provide dates and times of alternative sessions.

The Emory College Honor Code will be in effect for all exam sessions. Any suspected violations of the ​Honor Code will be reported to your instructor and the ECAS Honor Council.

Exam Accommodation Request Process

Students are responsible for sharing accommodation letters with instructors. Students with questions or concerns about their accommodations should contact the Department of Accessibility Services.

Note: Exam requests must be made at least 1 business week in advance. We recommend speaking with your instructor about your accommodation(s) well in advance of exams.

Students may request that OUE ACTS reschedule their accommodated exam using the Exam Reschedule Request Form. Exams will only be rescheduled with instructor permission.

Each instructor determines how they will provide accommodations for students in their course. Instructors may choose to ​manage accommodations internally in lieu of using OUE services.

ECAS instructors can arrange for OUE ACTS support by filling out the Exam Accommodation Request Form.

Note: Exam requests must be made at least 1 business week in advance.

Exams must be delivered to OUE (either via email or in-person) at least 48 business hours prior to the exam date/time.

  • Delivery Methods: email exam file to or hand-deliver exam(s) in a sealed and labeled (instructor name, course) manila envelope to Candler Library, Suite 200.

After receiving the Exam Accommodation Request, OUE ACTS will schedule the exam and confirm date, time, and location with ​the student and instructor via email.

OUE ACTS will scan and email completed exams to the instructor; or instructors can arrange to pick up exams from the OUE ​front desk (Candler Library 200)

Student Resources

Rescheduling Your Exam

To reschedule an accommodated exam, students should fill out the form below. Note that OUE ACTS ​will only reschedule exams with the instructor's permission. Upon receiving the student's request, OUE ACTS will ​seek instructor permission before confirming the new exam date/time via email.

Exam Reschedule Request Form

Notes for Students

The Department of Accessibility Services requires us to offer reasonable exam accommodations. OUE ACTS always ​puts forth a sincere effort to meet student accommodations in a reasonable manner.

We encourage students to reach out to with questions or concerns about the testing ​environment (reaching out in advance is recommended).

Students with questions or concerns about their accommodations should contact

For each exam, students should follow directions that they receive from and should reply ​to those emails with questions or concerns.

Exam Session Procedures & Protocol

  • Students should arrive 5-10 minutes early for the exam check-in process. Always enter quietly ​and respectfully, as students may already be testing inside.
  • Students must present student ID, or other legal ID, to the proctor.
  • All personal items not needed for the exam will be placed at the front of the room. Students must ​present evidence of empty pockets/person.
    • Students should bring their own writing utensils and other permitted exam supplies.
    • Phones, and all electronic devices (including smart watches), must be placed with personal items at ​the front of the room.
  • Bio breaks may only be taken one at a time.
  • Students must sign out, and back in, with their proctor.
  • Bio breaks that exceed 5-10 minutes will result in the initiation of honor code documentation.
  • Unless specified in the student’s accommodation(s), exam end time will remain the same ​regardless of length of bio break.
  • Upon re-entry, students may be asked to present evidence of empty pocket/person.

We strongly suggest ensuring bio matters are addressed before entering the exam room.

Your proctor will:

  • Perform a detailed check-in.
  • Check Emory ID, or other legal identification.
  • Ensure all personal items have been placed at the front of the room (including phones, smartwatches, ​electronic devices), and student pockets/person are clear.
  • Actively monitor the room. This can include:
    • Walking around the room.
    • Altering seating arrangements to ensure academic integrity.
    • Checking student belongings (e.g., calculator casing/writing materials, water bottle, etc.) for any ​academically dishonest material.
    • Allowing bio breaks only one at a time in compliance with bio break protocol.

Our proctors are not TAs, nor course subject experts. This exam setting assumes the incapacity for students ​to ask exam-related questions. However, where provided, students may be able to ask questions through ​proctor-led correspondence with the course instructor (response is not guaranteed).

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I request accommodations for exams in my ECAS course?
    • Make sure you're registered with DAS and your accommodation letter is sent to your instructor via Accommodate. Your instructor will then request an exam through OUE ACTS, or manage your accommodation internally.


  • What if I have a time conflict?


  • What if I don’t want to use my accommodation(s) for an exam?
    • Email (cc your instructor) to let us know that you will test with your class. If a scheduling email was ​already sent, respond to that email thread.


  • What about the restroom?
    • Read about our Bio Break Policy in the above section: Exam Session Bio Break Protocol.


  • I have ____ testing accommodations, what does that mean?


  • Will I be able to ask questions during the exam?
    • Our proctors are not TAs, nor course subject experts. This exam setting assumes the incapacity for students to ask exam-​related questions. However, where provided, students may be able to ask questions through proctor-led correspondence ​with the course instructor (response is not guaranteed).


  • How can I deliver my exam to your office?
    • Instructors can either email the exam file to or hand deliver the exam copies to ​OUE’s front desk in Candler Library, Suite 200.
      • All hand delivered exams must be placed inside a sealed and labeled (instructor name, course) manila envelope and delivered to OUE at least ​48 business hours prior to the exam date/time.


  • What if I have multiple exams this semester?


  • My student states they have exam accommodations, but have not shared a letter with me?
    • Instructors are not obligated to accommodate students from whom they have not received formal notice. ​Visit the DAS website for guidance.


  • My student has ____ testing accommodations, what does that mean?


  • What if I want my student(s) to take the exam on the same date, and at the same time, as the rest of the course?
    • Whenever possible, the goal is for students to take their exam on the same calendar day as the rest of their ​class. We cannot guarantee "same time" exams, as room and proctor availability are limited. OUE ACTS assigns students to rooms on a first come, first served basis. If the requested exam session is full, we will provide dates and times of alternate sessions.
      • If the instructor can provide an exam location on the desired date/time (dept. space, classroom, etc.), OUE ACTS may be able to administer the exam, pending proctor availability.


  • What if my student(s) have the accommodation of “Computer Use: Essay Response”?
    • Please note our standard procedures below:
      • The student will type their exam responses in a blank word document. This typically means the student ​will need to have/download the Word Doc app to their computer. Internet must remain OFF. The ​student's computer must remain positioned with the screen facing the administering proctor.
      • Once the student has completed their exam, they must:
        • Email the exam file to their instructor in front of the proctor (cc OUE Testing).
        • Delete the email from their "Sent" and "Deleted Items" folder(s).
        • Delete the file from their computer and computer trash bin.
    • If the instructor has a department laptop they would rather have the student complete the exam on, it must ​be provided (with log in instructions).
      • Hand deliver the laptop to OUE’s front desk in Candler Library, Suite 200.
    • The exam laptop must be received 48 business hours before the scheduled exam date/time.