Honors Program
Honors Programs are available to outstanding students in most, but not all, areas of concentration. Administered by a faculty Honors Committee, these programs enable students to do intensive work in a chosen area and therefore involve work that extends beyond ordinary course requirements and ordinary standards of performance.
Requirements of Program
- Cumulative average of 3.70 GPA by their first three years
- Students with at least a cumulative 3.45 GPA can petition into the program
- Students may pursue honors in only one major or joint major
- Must be enrolled in Emory College Honors Program Canvas Page
- Successfully research and defend thesis
- Publish thesis to the Emory Theses and Dissertations site
Level of Honors
- Honors: represents satisfactory completion of the program, with an overall average of 3.70
- High Honors: represents completion of the program with outstanding performance, including an overall average of 3.70 and a thesis of quality sufficient for oral presentation to scholars in the candidate's field
- Highest Honors: represents completion of the program with exceptional performance, including an overall average of 3.70 and a thesis of a quality suitable for publication
Embargos & Petitions
Current students in the program will be able to set an embargo for 6-month, 1 year or 2 years when submitting their thesis. Honors Program alumni can submit a request for an extension by completing the form. If you need an extension longer than 2 years, it will require review and approval from the Honors Committee. The following will be required: A letter from you that covers the following:
- Brief explanation of your project
- The reason you need an extended embargo
- The length of embargo you are requesting (e.g. 3 years)
- A letter of support from your thesis advisor confirming that the extended embargo is necessary/appropriate for your thesis; this can be in the form of an email and can be sent directly to ec.honorsprogram@emory.edu
In May and August, the Honors Committee considers petitions to be admitted to Honors from students who do not meet the 3.7 cumulative GPA requirement. Students who have a GPA of at least 3.45, and the support of their departmental honors coordinator and potential thesis advisor are eligible to petition. Students who are admitted by petition must earn at least the cumulative GPA with which they entered the Honors Program. Thus, if a student enters the Honors Program through a petition with a 3.5 cumulative GPA, that student must maintain at least a cumulative 3.5 GPA in every subsequent semester to be eligible to continue in the Honors Program.
- GPA Petition Deadlines:
- May 23 for students graduating in Spring 2026
- August – TBA for students graduating in Spring 2026
Each student in the College Honors Program must defend their thesis before a faculty committee. If a student would like to include someone who is adjunct, visiting, or emeritus faculty, or a post-doctoral fellow, the department Honors Coordinator will have to petition to the College Honors Committee for approval. If committee member is approved, they can serve on committees for 3 years.
- Thesis Committee Petition Deadlines:
- Fall 2025 Deadline 1: May 9
- Fall 2025 Deadline 2: TBA
Department Information
- August – TBA for Fall/Spring students 2025-2026
Frequently Asked Questions
Committees must consist of at least three core members. Core committee members must be regular Emory University faculty members from any school or unit. One member must be from the student’s honors major and at least one member must be from Emory College. Your advisor counts as one of the three core members. You may have additional core committee members from the faculty of Emory University. You may also have additional non-core committee members from the faculty of other universities, but only core committee members vote on the level of honors.
Regular faculty titles typically include professor, associate professor, assistant professor, teaching professor (professor of pedagogy), associate teaching professor (senior lecturer), assistant teaching professor (lecturer), but might also include titles such as Instructor or Research Associate.
Adjunct, visiting, emeritus, and post-doctoral fellows must petition to the Honors Committee to be permitted to serve on committees as core committee members. Once a faculty petition has been approved, it is valid for three years.
Members of the staff are not eligible to serve on committees.
If you have questions about someone’s eligibility or about the petition process, contact ec.honorsprogram@emory.edu.
Mission Statement
Honors Committee works in collaboration with individual academic departments and programs that offer honors. This committee has the final authority over decisions about student petitions and exceptions. Other decisions of the Honors Committee concerning policies may be appealed to the Senate, which can refer the issue to the Curriculum, Assessment, and Educational Policy Committee, or another relevant standing committee.
Upcoming Committee Meeting Dates: *must be invited to attend*
- Tuesday, January 21, 2025
- Thursday, February 27, 2025
- Tuesday, March 25, 2025
- Thursday, April 17, 2025
- Thursday, May 1, 2025