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Faculty Resources

Faculty are partners in upholding the academic values of our community. Any assignment, paper, quiz, test, or examination may be at risk to potential academic misconduct. Faculty can take steps to reduce these opportunities in how they design their assignments and discuss academic integrity in their courses.

Reporting a Suspected Case

All members of the Emory community are obligated to report any suspicions of academic misconduct. To report a possible Honor Code violation, contact Blaire Wilson, Senior Associate Director of the Honor Council, at 404-727-8928 or

Faculty Support

The Honor Council Administration is available for consultation with faculty. Consultations includes classroom pedagogy, classroom issues related to academic integrity, and designing assignments, exams, and other assessments.

  • Request a presentation for your class – we can tailor presentations on academic integrity to fit with your class or to address common issues or questions that come up in your course.
  • Leading a faculty group? Invite us to speak about academic integrity.

Please contact to request faculty support related to academic integrity. Your request will be directed to the appropriate staff member.

Syllabus Statement

Faculty are encouraged to include the following statement on their syllabus where they address Academic Integrity and the Honor Code:

“The Emory Undergraduate Academic Honor Code is in effect throughout the semester. The Honor Code applies to any action or inaction that fails to meet the communal expectations of academic integrity. Students should strive to excel in their academic pursuits in a just way with honesty and fairness in mind and avoid all instances of cheating, lying, plagiarizing, or engaging in other acts that violate the Honor Code. Such violations undermine both the individual pursuit of knowledge and the collective trust of the Emory community. Students who violate the Honor Code may be subject to failure of the course, a reportable record, suspension, permanent expulsion, or a combination of these and other sanctions. The Honor Code may be reviewed at:

Academic Integrity Resources

Resources for Course Planning
Resources for Honor Code Cases

Join the Honor Council

Faculty members assist Honor Council student members during investigations and participate as voting members of the council during hearings. A call for participation is announced each August, but faculty interested in serving also may contact Blaire Wilson, Senior Associate Director of the Honor Council in the Office for Undergraduate Education.