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While the Office for Undergraduate Education does not excuse absences for missed classes, you may find helpful information and resources below.

In the event of a family loss or bereavement, OUE will liaise with your professors regarding related absences. Supporting documentation (such as obituary or service program) will be required. Please email for assistance.

Students who have a family or personal event (e.g weddings, etc.) are required to self-certify their absence under the Emory College Honor Code using the Self-Service Absence Form.

Self Service Absence Form

In the event of short-term absences due to illness, OUE defers to the judgment of course instructors regarding missed classes, quizzes, tests or assignments. Students are able to self-certify their absence under the Emory College Honor Code using our Self-Service Absence Form.

Self Service Absence Form

Please note: Emory Student Health Services does not provide absence excuses and students are not required to disclose confidential medical/personal records to their instructors.

For students who have been (or will be absent) from class for four or more days AND have appropriate medical documentation, OUE will communicate with instructors about your absence. Please send your documentation to for processing.

If you have been (or will be absent) from class for four or more days and DO NOT have medical documentation, you will be required to self-certify your absence under the Emory College Honor Code.

Self Service Absence Form

If you miss a midterm or final, OUE may provide an official excused absence. Please contact for evaluation and next steps. Be sure to include any supporting documentation (e.g. medical discharge papers, doctor’s note etc.) you may have in this communication.

Students who have a reason to be absent from class not covered under the previous option should contact their instructors directly. Instructors are responsible for determining the effect of an absence on a final course grade.

For students in extreme distress or are faced with a personal/family emergency are required to self-certify their absence under the Emory College Honor Code using the Self-Service Absence Form.

Self Service Absence Form

Students who will miss class for religious observances are required to self-certify their absence under the Emory College Honor Code.

Self Service Absence Form

Student Athletes who must miss class due to athletic events/competitions will be given an event schedule at the beginning of the each semester for your sport. Students should present this to instructors as early as possible and arrange to complete assigned/missed work as appropriate.

If your instructor requires additional documentation, students may complete the Self-Service Absence Form under the Emory College Honor Code.

Self Service Absence Form



To complete a bachelor’s degree program within eight semesters, the average course load for students is 15 to 17 credit hours per semester. Students must enroll in at least 12 hours for full time enrollment. Students must enroll in 12 to 19 hours (20 for the BBA program) in any regular semester with the following exceptions:

  • Graduating Students: Seniors in ECAS and the BBA program, in their final semester of study, may enroll in fewer than 12 hours or more than 19 hours (but no more than 22 hours) if those hours complete their degree requirements. This requires permission from the academic affairs office in each respective undergraduate school. In Oxford College, students in their fourth and final semester of study may overload if those hours complete their AA requirements. Oxford students who are enrolled beyond their fourth semester of study may enroll in fewer than 12 hours as needed to complete their AA requirements.

    Underloads: Students must enroll in a minimum of 12 credit hours in a regular semester, except for students who have received credit load accommodations from the Department of Accessibility Services (DAS). The academic affairs office in each school may allow a student to drop below 12 hours as a part of a response to exceptional circumstances.

  • Overloads: Students may petition the academic affairs office of their undergraduate program (OUE in ECAS, ASC in Oxford, Nursing Program Director, and BBA Advising in the BBA program) to overload up to 22 credit hours. These petitions will be considered if the student’s cumulative GPA is above 3.5, and/or if there are extraordinary reasons for this exception. Students should not expect to be approved for exceptions on a regular basis. Students with outstanding incomplete grades at the start of a semester may not overload.

  • For Emory College of Arts and Sciences: Applied music and PE courses do not count toward the nineteen-hour limit, but are included in the 22-hour maximum for all courses.

All credit for academic work must be awarded in the semester in which the work is undertaken, including summer sessions, directed readings, and internships.

Taken from the Emory College of Arts and Sciences Catalog (Link to Policy)


This form is for students who wish to request an overload.



Emory College students are not required to take more than two final exams on a given calendar date. Students may use this form to verify the exam policy conflict with OUE and then communicate with their faculty to reschedule an exam. Students should attach a copy of their official final exam schedule from OPUS (located on the menu under the Academics Tab) to the form before submitting.

*Please note that this form can only be used in cases where a student has three or more exams on one calendar day. Students with three exams in a 24 hour period do not qualify for this process.

Additionally, this form can be used in situations where students have two exams scheduled during the same time period.

This form will reopen for Spring 2025 Exams in early April.


To complete a bachelor’s degree program within eight semesters, the average course load for students is 15 to 17 credit hours per semester. Students must enroll in at least 12 hours for full time enrollment. Students must enroll in 12 to 19 hours (20 for the BBA program) in any regular semester with the following exceptions:

  • Graduating Students: Seniors in ECAS and the BBA program, in their final semester of study, may enroll in fewer than 12 hours or more than 19 hours (but no more than 22 hours) if those hours complete their degree requirements. This requires permission from the academic affairs office in each respective undergraduate school. In Oxford College, students in their fourth and final semester of study may overload if those hours complete their AA requirements. Oxford students who are enrolled beyond their fourth semester of study may enroll in fewer than 12 hours as needed to complete their AA requirements.

  • Underloads: Students must enroll in a minimum of 12 credit hours in a regular semester, except for students who have received credit load accommodations from the Department of Accessibility Services (DAS). The academic affairs office in each school may allow a student to drop below 12 hours as a part of a response to exceptional circumstances.

  • Overloads: Students may petition the academic affairs office of their undergraduate program (OUE in ECAS, ASC in Oxford, Nursing Program Director, and BBA Advising in the BBA program) to overload up to 22 credit hours. These petitions will be considered if the student’s cumulative GPA is above 3.5, and/or if there are extraordinary reasons for this exception. Students should not expect to be approved for exceptions on a regular basis. Students with outstanding incomplete grades at the start of a semester may not overload.

  • For Emory College of Arts and Sciences: Applied music and PE courses do not count toward the 19-hour limit, but are included in the 22-hour maximum for all courses.

All credit for academic work must be awarded in the semester in which the work is undertaken, including summer sessions, directed readings, and internships.

Taken from the Emory College of Arts and Sciences Catalog ( Link to Policy)


This form is for students who wish to request an underload.

Underload Request Form


Credit Transfer

Students who have more than 12 AP/IB/International test exam credits posted to their Emory transcript are eligible to request swaps to credit and non-credit bearing test courses, or to drop previously earned test credits. Only test credit submitted to the Office of Admission by the appropriate deadline (the end of a student's first semester at Emory) is covered by this process. You may not add  additional credits to the transcript after the deadline through this process.

Please note that if you make a change, this could affect the GERs awarded, courses that apply to majors or minors, and your eligibility for Transient Study.

AP/IB Test Credit Swap Form

Undergraduate students admitted to Emory University as students in Emory College of Arts and Sciences may receive up to 12 credit hours towards hours required for graduation.  Students with more than four acceptable AP, IB or equivalent test scores may receive a non-credit-bearing course waiver for each additional test. This allows students to begin with more advanced courses in areas where they did not receive AP/IB credit towards graduation but did meet the requirements for credit as shown on the tables below. 

The full Advanced Placement and Exemption Policy can be found in the Emory College of Arts and Sciences Catalog.

Review AP & IB Equivalencies

This form is only for new first year students who completed college courses BEFORE starting at Emory. Students must submit your official transcript from the previous institution and complete this form so that the Office of Admission may review and make a decision about awarding credit. All previous college credit (transcripts and forms) must be submitted to the Office of Admission by the END of your first semester at Emory.

New Student Previous College Credit Request

Once you have received your Transfer Credit Evaluation you will want to review it to ensure that courses you expected to receive Emory credit for have transferred. If you notice any courses that are missing, or that there are obvious errors (for example, course not loaded into the correct General Education Requirement section), please contact the Office of Admission to correct by emailing

In the event that the Office of Admission cannot act upon your request, but you believe that there is an equivalent Emory course, you may file a Transfer Credit Appeal. Should you need advice on if or how you should appeal, you may schedule an appointment with an OUE Academic Advisor.

This form is now closed for the 2024-25 year.

Declaration of Major/Minor

This form allows students to declare a major/minor or to remove an existing major/minor from their record. Please read the notes below BEFORE completing the form.

Declaration of Major/Minor Form


  1. First-year students are not allowed to declare a major until their second semester at Emory.
  2. The Declaration of Major/Minor form is accessible in OPUS under the Course Planning and Enrollment Tile.
  3. The OPUS form will display your current academic plan, and you may request to add or remove a major, minor, or concentration from that page.
  4. Your request is subject to department review. Within 24 hours, you will receive an automated email with guidance on contacting the appropriate undergraduate staff member for next steps. 
  5. If you have any questions about the form or the process, please contact


Following the conclusion of the regular Add/Drop/Swap period, students have an additional period of time to petition for a late drop. These requests, which must be received by the end of the 25th teaching day of the semester, and will be reviewed by OUE before being processed.

Extended Drop Form


Due to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, Emory administrators are unable to discuss academic or personal concerns with the family members of students. The FERPA Consent Form provides authorization for Emory to discuss these concerns with specifically named individuals that the student chooses. The form can also be used for the student to revoke access if desired.

FERPA Consent Form


Students who wish to change their projected graduation date should fill out the Expected Graduation Term Change form for their advisor to review.

Students who are planning to graduate from Emory College must complete the graduation application process in the semester they intend to graduate.


Students enrolled in the Dual Degree Engineering Program at Georgia Tech apply to graduate from Emory in their final semester at Tech. Students must complete the graduation application process at both schools to receive their degrees.


Students graduating in the spring semester of their senior year may request permission not to walk with their class using this form.

Request to Graduate in Absentia

Honors in Course is a GPA-based graduation distinction that recognizes academic achievement based on a student’s cumulative GPA and rank in the graduating class. This recognition denotes academic excellence by awarding standard Latin designations on the transcripts of students who finish in the top 30% among Emory College graduates.

Students who have 16 or fewer credit hours to fulfill in the summer or fall term after the second semester of their senior year may petition to walk with their graduating class at Commencement by submitting this form.

Please Note: This form is only for Permission to Walk in Spring Commencement Ceremony (For those not completing degree requirements in May and who will graduate the next summer or fall.)

Request for Permission to Walk

Leave of Absence

Students wishing to temporarily discontinue their studies at Emory College for medical reasons can request a temporary leave of absence.

Leave of Absence Form

Students wishing to temporarily discontinue their studies at Emory College due to active military duty can request a temporary leave of absence.

Leave of Absence Form

Students wishing to temporarily discontinue their studies at Emory College for personal reasons can request a temporary leave of absence.

Leave of Absence Form

Letter of Good Standing

A Letter of Good Standing, also referred to as a Dean’s Certification or Dean’s Verification, is sometimes required by employers, graduate school programs, etc.

  • If you are in need of a Dean’s Certification for an application to law school, medical school, or other programs in the health professions (dental school, veterinary school, etc.), please contact
  • For Domestic Transient Study, the Letter of Good Standing is completed through the application process. Please do not use this form.
  • Students in need of enrollment verification for financial lenders, jury duty, insurance, etc. must contact the Office of the University Registrar.

The Letter of Good Standing is provided by Emory College to its students only. Students enrolled in other schools should contact their relevant school.

Letter of Good Standing Request


Students requesting to resume their studies at Emory College following a leave of absence must complete an application for readmission. Once readmitted to the college, students will need to meet with their academic advisor and register for courses for the next immediate semester. Advising appointments should be scheduled through Navigate.

For students with valid Emory credentials

If your Emory credentials are still valid (i.e. your username and password still work) please use this link to request readmission. The form is best viewed in Internet Explorer or Safari.

Request for Readmission Form

For students without valid Emory credentials

If your Emory credentials are no longer valid (i.e. your username and password do not work), please email

Readmission Deadlines

Please note the final deadline for readmission for any given semester:

Readmission Deadlines
Fall SemesterAugust 1
Spring SemesterDecember 1
Maymester / Summer Session 1May 1
Summer Session 2June 1

Return to the College from Business or Nursing School

Students who have been accepted to or enrolled in the Business School or School of Nursing may request to return to the College of Arts and Sciences if their Emory career started at Oxford or Emory College. This process should be completed as early as possible and no later than the first day of classes in the term you wish to return.

Return to the College from Business/Nursing


  1. Register for classes. You will be discontinued from Business School/School of Nursing and reinstated to ECAS; any Nursing or Business classes will be dropped by those respective Registrars. You will be given an enrollment time for the next enrollment period in ECAS OR you can register during Add/Drop/Swap, depending on the time of year. Please allow up to 2 business days for processing.
  2. Contact Housing and Financial Aid to determine eligibility for future semesters, if applicable.

Transferring out of Emory

Students who are considering transferring out of Emory University to another institution are required to complete the Transferring Out Process. In the first instance, the student should connect with their OUE Academic Advisor to discuss the process and receive guidance on first steps.

Note: International students should also contact ISSS to transfer their I-20 to their new school once they have been accepted. Contact 404-727-3300.

Transfer Out Form



Emory students may withdraw from one or more courses until the 43rd instructional day of the fall and spring semesters provided that the student continues to carry a load of 12 credit hours or is in their final semester of residence as a graduating senior with an approved underload.

Taken from the Emory College of Arts and Sciences Catalog (Link to Policy)


Outlined below is the process by which a student can withdraw from a course under the provisions of the Withdrawal policy.

  1. Read the Partial Course Withdrawal Policy in the Emory College Catalog to determine eligibility.
  2. Confirm the relevant withdrawal deadline on the College Academic Calendar.
  3. Submit the Partial Withdrawal form.
  4. The Form must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on the applicable withdrawal deadline.
  5. When your form has been received, the Office for Undergraduate Education will process the form. A grade of “W” will appear on your transcript beside the course you have withdrawn from. Students should review their schedules on OPUS to confirm the withdrawal has been processed correctly.

To read the full withdrawal policy please refer to the College Catalog site:

Students are responsible for any academic or financial consequences of any change to their schedule.

  • Students should speak with an academic advisor to understand how this may affect their academic progress prior to completing this form. Students who have academic questions can make an appointment with an advisor or e-mail
  • Students should speak with the Financial Aid Office prior to completing this form. Student with financial questions should contact Student Financial Services at (404) 727-6095 or Financial Aid at (404) 727-6039.
Partial Withdrawal Form